Ask almost anyone what some of their goals are for the coming year and you can bet that one of them will be “losing weight” or “eating healthier meals”.
Are you one of the estimated 80 million people who want to lose weight safely? Or do you just want to make the healthier meals for your family but doesn’t know where to start?
We have done most of the work for you right here.
Top 5 Healthiest Diet Plans for Your Family
Here is a list of the top 5 diet plans that will help you and your family eat healthily, and even lose weight simply by following these diets.
The Eating Well Diet Plan
Researched and written by a nurse and PhD, Jean Harvey-Berino, this eating plan not only focuses on the behavioral changes but combined with a 28-day mix and match menu plan, this diet takes healthy eating to an entirely new level. Most participants in this plan lose an average of 21 pounds in 6 months while stating that they never really felt as if they were “dieting”.
Meal plans can be made around foods you and your family really enjoy, even vegetarian or vegan meals. Lists of 1200 calorie daily meal plans or quick 400 calorie dinner plans are readily available online.
Volumetrics Diet
This diet plan comes to us from a nutritionist who states that the main problem with diets is that you are hungry, which goes against your body’s innate need for survival. By focusing on nutrient-dense foods that make you feel full without a lot of calories, your body will naturally lose weight.
Volumetrics diet uses natural fruits and vegetables to make a variety of meals. This includes stews and soups, that will fill your stomach and make your body feel satisfied. The plan includes more than 150 different recipes and even more variations.
The Sonoma Diet
Also written by a dietitian, this plan has a fairly strict 10 jump-start plan designed to break the sugar, salt and processed food cravings that sabotage most dieters. After the initial 10 days, this eating plan mirrors the Mediterranean eating plan, which includes lots of fresh vegetables, fish, whole grains, nuts, olives, and olive oil. This plan gets high marks from users for its creative and tasty recipes, especially the use of bowls for portion control. This diet is designed to teach its users to eat more slowly and really savor the foods they eat.
Low-Carb Real Food Diet
Everyone is talking about low-carb diets it seems, but they can be difficult to stick to for some people. Low-carb diets can lead to tremendous weight loss, which is what makes them so popular. This plan is a bit more flexible than others and you can fine-tune your carb intake to match your needs and tastes.
This diet focuses on vegetables, eggs, healthy fats, meat, and fish while avoiding starches and processed foods, as well as sugar.
The Paleo Diet
This is another very popular eating plan that is comparable to low-carb diets because the foods allowed are similar. Sometimes referred to as the “caveman diet”, this eating plan works on the belief that our digestive systems have not evolved as quickly as our brains have, therefore, if a caveman hadn’t eaten a certain food, neither should you.
Bonus: Gluten Free Diet
As well as having fat free diet or cholesterol free diet, there is also gluten-free diet. Why? Because some people are allergic to wheat or gluten (see definition of gluten below). When people are allergic to gluten, they are referred to as gluten intolerant and should be on a gluten-free diet.
Gluten intolerance is not uncommon which is why gluten-free diet is becoming more and more popular. Some people seek a gluten-free diet without even being allergic to gluten.
What is gluten, and what is a gluten-free diet?
Gluten is a particular protein found in foods such as:
- wheat,
- rye, and
- barley.
Gluten-free diet is a diet consisting only of gluten-free foods.
Why are gluten-free diets important?
Many people are allergic to gluten but not everyone knows about their every allergy. Some people are allergic to wheat and gluten without even knowing it. One out of 133 people have celiac disease, a genetic intolerance to gluten. Millions more people have a gluten sensitivity or intolerance that is not celiac disease but an intolerance to gluten that causes other allergic symptoms.
Stick to Your Diet!
Keep in mind that almost all diets work, it’s sticking with them that is the difficult part. Choose a diet that you can stick to and includes foods that make you feel satisfied.
In order to make your diet even more efficient, you may want to explore diet supplements – these are natural products that will help you lose weight and stick to your diet!